Subsides des années précédentes

Each year, the Pierre du Bois Foundation supports high-quality scholarship by providing grants of different types to individuals and institutions.

Have a look at some of the events and people we supported in the past.

Grants in 2020

27-28 February 2020

Sovereignty, Nationalism and Homogeneity in Europe between the Two World Wars

Grants in 2017

14-16 September

Shaping Education in the (Post)Colonial World Actors, Paradigms, Entanglements 1880s-1980s

Grants in 2016

3 June

Aid to Armenia: Armenia and Armenians in International History

9-11 June

Fourth Swiss History Days “Power (s)”

3 November

International Organizations and Terrorism: Global and Regional Responses

Grants in 2015

27 April

China’s Seapower in Perspective: The Historical and Cultural Dimension

7-8 May

States and Terrorism, An Ambivalent Relationship

Grants in 2014

13-15 March

The Role of the Neutrals and Non-Aligned in the Global Cold War, 1949-1989

Grants in 2013

8-9 November

The Fragments Imagine the Nation? Minorities in the colonial and postcolonial Middle East

Grants in 2012

2-3 February

The countries of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Relations and crossed glances, 1967-1989

Grants in 2011

25-26 August

Towards a New History of the League of Nations

26-29 October

Les dimensions transnationales de l’anticommunisme de guerre froide: actions, réseaux, transferts

Grants in 2010

18-19 March

Les Amériques latines: Héritages et mirages des indépendances (1810-2010)

25 June

La construction d’un espace euro-méditerranéen. Genèses, mythes et perspectives

16-17 September

Le parlement européen et les transformations de l’Europe communautaire

Grants in 2009

4 December

Latin American Day 2009