Felix Christoph Ohnmacht


Felix Ohnmacht is a management consultant at Accenture in Basel, specialising in digital health and life sciences. He received his PhD (summa cum laude avec félicitations du jury) from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, and has been a visiting fellow at Princeton University and the Max Planck Society.

Felix’ areas of expertise are digital transformation, AI, and Big Data applications in health and life sciences. His dissertation focused on the history of science, medicine, and technology. Felix was the founding manager of Frontiers in Big Data and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, two high impact emerging expert journals at Frontiers Media SA.

Felix also co-leads a research team in developing key AMR business and content insights for GARDP (incubated by WHO and DNDi) and co-teaches an Executive Education workshop at the Graduate Institute on Health, Advocacy, and International Affairs (led by Prof D. Rodogno, IHEID).

Felix is the recipient of numerous prizes, including the Pierre du Bois Prize, awarded annually by the International History Department of the Graduate Institute, Geneva, for the best doctoral thesis in International History defended at the Graduate Institute.