Subsides en 2016

The Foundation supported: 


Conference Aid to Armenia: Armenia and Armenians in International History

3 June 2016 

The aim of the conference, organised by Jo Laycock and Francesca Piana of Birkbeck College, UCL, and supported by the Pierre du Bois Foundation, was threefold. First, it enlarged the narrow perspective of Armenian history/studies that, over time, have privileged questions of violence, survival and denial over other overlapping historical processes. Second, the workshop framed the history of Armenia and Armenians within current discussions and preoccupations in international and global history. The themes of total war, peace, humanitarian aid, reconstruction, and sovereignty shaped presentations and discussions. Lastly, particular attention was devoted to engaging with the landmark historiographical contributions, which appeared mostly in 2015, in coincidence with the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.

The programme can be found here and a summary of the conference here.


Conference Quatrièmes Journées suisses d’histoire "Pouvoir(s)"

3 June 2016 

Les Quatrièmes Journées suisses d’histoire, qui ont eu lieu du 9 au 11 juin 2016 à l'Université de Lausanne, ont rencontré un très grand succès. Près de 900 personnes dont plus de 400 intervenants et intervenantes de la Suisse et de l'étranger y ont participé. Le thème du congrès «Pouvoir(s)» a offert des contributions très intéressantes, de nouvelles interprétations et des discussions stimulantes dans le cadre des 100 panels et des plus de 250 interventions.

Les Quatrièemes Journées d'histoire ont été organisées par la Société suisse d’histoire et avec le soutien de la Fondation Pierre du Bois. 


Conference International Organisations and Terrorism: Global and Regional Responses

3 November 2016 

This workshop, organised by Timothy Wilson and Bernhard Blumenau of the University of St. Andrews and supported by the Pierre du Bois Foundation, addressed the role that global and regional institutions have been playing in antiterrorism both at present and in the past. In order to do so comprehensively, the workshop assessed not only current issues in international antiterrorism efforts but also looked at the genesis of multilateral antiterrorism measures and regimes negotiated within the framework of international organisations (IOs).

The programme can be found here.